The rain could not deter prospective buyers from 3 Comorant Court, Bli Bli last Saturday (9 Jan 2021). Marketing agent, Natasha Hackenberg of Ray White Bli Bli, ushered 46 groups of buyers through the property and has already received offers prior to the closing date. Similar scenes occurred at Castlegreeen Court, Bli Bli.
Natasha stated, “I had received many email inquiries during the week, and it was loading up to be a busy Saturday”.

46 Groups – Vehicles parked in Cormorant and Osprey Street.
3 Cormorant Court, Bli Bli, is being marketed at “Best Offer” with a closing date of 12.00pm Friday 15 January, 2021.
Natasha remarked, “It is certainly competitive in this fluid market, where strategies are needed to obtain the best possible price in the market place. Traditional selling methods can prove costly to the seller and sales results from more than a couple of months, can be irrelevant.”
In relation to numbers, Ray White Principal, Ed Hackenberg said, “No real surprises here. Now more than ever, it is important to expose your property to the entire market to achieve an outstanding result, and not just a select few. The difference between the successful buyer and second buyer maybe upwards of $70k. Our market share will always ensure greater exposure and more buyers through our listings. We have exceeded 10,000 weekly emails to our clients and this just grows week on week.”

3 Cormorant Court, Bli Bli