Everyone and their dog are invited to a free Dogs on Patrol Fun Day, promoting personal safety to dog walkers, at Nambour on Sunday 29th July.
Organised by Bli Bli Neighbourhood Watch, Sunshine Coast Police and Nambour PCYC the day will include demonstrations and displays by Bli Bli Neighbourhood Watch, Crime Stoppers, RSPCA and Guide Dogs.
Bli Bli Neighbourhood Watch president Edith Blanck said the day would be full of fun for everyone, especially their dogs!
“We will have lots of competitions including Best Dressed Dog, Best Junior Handler, Handsomest Hound, Most Fabulous Family, Loveliest Lady and Most Gorgeous Golden Oldie,” Mrs Blanck said.
There will also be a free Dogs on Patrol dog leash for every dog that registerers either on the event Facebook page or at the registration desk on the day (one per dog), as well as great activities for the kids including a Jumping Castle (gold coin donation) and a free petting zoo, sponsored by Bli Bli Vet, which is celebrating 20th years in Bli Bli.
Bli Bli Neighbourhood Watch will also have a sausage sizzle, drinks and cake stall with delicious biscuits and muffins and there will also be a Bossy Coffee van and Barcobi Ice Cream to keep everyone’s bellies full and happy.
Raffle tickets for a gorgeous custom-made Diamond Ring worth $12,500 from Sunstate Jewellers will also be on sale.
Member for Nicklin Marty Hunt will officially open the event at 9.30am with a Welcome to Country.
The event will be held at the PCYC Nambour (10 Youth Avenue) on Sunday 28th July, from 9.30am to 1pm on so come along and join the fun.
There are a limited number of marque sites still available for community groups and dog-related businesses. For more information contact the Bli Bli Neighbourhood Watch via Facebook messenger @BliBliNeighbourhoodWatch.
For more event information also check Bli Bli Neighbourhood Watch Facebook page – @BliBliNeighbourhoodWatch and the Dogs on Patrol event page. This event has been made possible through the support of Parklakes 2 and Bli Bli Vet.
Media release from Reflected Image PRoductions